
41 - Lollipop --- Paleta


The afternoon tastes like lollipops
and smells like rain and cherries
while I wait for your return,
your embrace and your kisses,
thinking that the world is nothing
but magic in constant shindig
with the sky, and the sun,
and the geography, and people.
A party where we're all invited
and today, I'm attending,
while the rice in the stove tells me it's done
and I do nothing but smile
at the smell of your perfume
and lollipop.


La tarde sabe a paletas
y huele a lluvia y cerezas
mientras yo espero tu regreso,
tu abrazo y tus besos,
pensando que el mundo no es sino
magia y una fiesta constante
con el cielo y el sol
y la geografía y las personas.
Una festividad en la que todos
somos invitados, y hoy
yo soy partícipe
en el mismo instante en el que
la estufa me dice que mi arroz está listo
y yo no hago sino sonreirle
al detectar el olor de tu perfume
y las paletas.


Cyntia Ortiz said...

Este poema se parece a mi haha :D love itt

Anonymous said...

guao este me encanta :)
mui lindo.

Arlette Cepeda said...

Definitely I feeling I am well familiar to. Can stop thinking of the reward I was always waiting for for the fabulous arroz and that often times never came.